Scala dei Turchi

Jun, 17, 2023
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Scala dei Turchi is a famous white limestone oceanfront cliff, just west of Agrigento. As I was working on my serious v-neck farmer’s tan walking around Agrigento, my mind started shifting toward the beach. My host had recommended Lounge Beach at Scala dei Turchi as a place for lunch and/or appertivo, so the plan was to hit the beach and get something to eat. Once I arrived at the beach and found parking, I noticed the wind was really picking up- to the point laying on the beach was near impossible without being sandblasted. Then to top things off, there was a security guard blocking the entrance to Scala dei Turchi and there was no way around. Unfortunately, two nutjobs vandalized the rocks last year so they are trying to figure out when and if they are going to let people continue walking on these rocks. My host mentioned that there are rumors it would go private and you would have to pay to enter. Maybe that’s a good thing, but it really is a shame. There are so many businesses around that stretch of beach that rely on people visiting. Other than the rocks there is no particular reason to visit this beach. Hope they can figure it out. I did find a great alternative, and I was able to walk on the limestone. See my next post.

As for Lounge Beach, the food was great and it is located right on the sand. For parking in this area you can park on the street for free and take any of the several foot paths down to the water. Lounge Beach has a little Ape vehicle that runs people up and down as well.  The Internet is slow where I am at so uploading fewer photos.  Once restored I willl update posts.

June 17, 2023
June 18, 2023


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